Croatia has purchased eight additional UH-60M Black Hawks via a U.S. government Foreign Military Sale, bringing the country’s Black Hawk fleet total to 12. The deal, which includes aircraft, organizational equipment, spare and repair parts, and associated support equipment, is a critical investment by Croatia and significantly bolsters its self-defense and security in the region and that of the NATO alliance.

“We deeply value Croatia’s continued trust in the Black Hawk helicopter, which is operated by the U.S. and more than 35 other nations, including NATO allies, offering unmatched global and regional interoperability,” said Hamid Salim, vice president, Army and Air Force Systems at Sikorsky. “Croatia’s decision to acquire eight more of the latest generation UH-60M Black Hawks for its Armed Forces, tripling its fleet, will support ongoing modernization efforts and strengthen the Balkan region’s ability to deter current and future threats.”