This year marks the 10th anniversary of CareFlight’s AW139 rescue helicopter in the Northern Territory.  

Over the decade, the helicopter has proven an indispensable asset, providing emergency medical services to remote and isolated communities, saving many lives, and making a profound impact on community health in the Top End. 

CareFlight began helicopter operations in the NT in 2007, providing services on a case-by-case basis by request. Over the next two years, CareFlight flew dozens of medical evacuations and search and rescue operations, supporting the NT Government and Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA). 

By 2013, CareFlight was providing the Top End Medical Retrieval Service on behalf of the NT Government. Demand for the organization’s helicopter services had steadily increased, their lifesaving role well-established as indispensable for the region.  It had also become clear that the unique operational challenges and demands in NT meant a bigger helicopter with the ability to travel vast ranges and carry more people and equipment would have greater lifesaving capabilities. 

In response, with the community’s backing, in 2014 CareFlight launched the AW139 rescue helicopter in the NT. This aircraft was specifically designed for aeromedical missions in remote and challenging environments. 

Key benefits of the AW139 helicopter included its vastly increased range, allowing it to conquer the unique distances of the NT. A larger cabin provided better patient access and capacity. Importantly, the helicopter allowed CareFlight’s medical teams to save previous time in reaching and transporting patients. The AW139 could carry both rescue equipment and interhospital equipment without having to reconfigure for each mission, saving significant time. Since 2014, the helicopter has completed more than 1,500 missions. 

CareFlight General Manager, Northern Operations, Jodie Mills said the helicopter exemplifies CareFlight’s approach to continuously finding ways to reach its patients wherever they may be, providing the best possible care, in the timeliest manner.  

“At Careflight we are proud of our reputation of clinical excellence and patient focused vision,” she said. “Many patients’ lives have been saved by this helicopter over its 10 years in service. As we look ahead to our next 10 years, CareFlight’s crews remain dedicated to continuously finding ways to save more lives and achieve better patient outcomes.”