Helicopter Services Inc, one of the nation’s leading helicopter sales and support companies has recently delivered on a completion contract with Florida Keys Mosquito Control District.
Helicopter Services Inc., Spring, Texas, announced finishing aircraft completion services for the agency’s new Airbus H125 helicopter, which will help protect residents in south Florida from the dangers brought by mosquitos.
“We’re very appreciative of the choice of HSI by Florida Keys Mosquito Control District for completion of their new H125,” said HSI general manager Mike Crossland. “This aircraft is a key addition to that fine program.”
The Keys program is among several aerial mosquito control agencies recently choosing HSI for turn-key services on new aircraft. Airborne public safety agencies along with private owners also rely on the company.
Crossland and team added cutting edge equipment for the Keys program, installed by few completion centers nationally. Focusing on each customer’s mission needs, HSI leverages four decades of experience installing the most popular airborne components.
HSI technicians are well-versed in installations of components from Isolair, Goodrich Hoist, Wescam, MX-10, AEM Geneva Panel, Shot Over, ARS, SpectroLab, Illuminator and Trakka searchlights.
For ease of contracting, HSI offers its Airbus aircraft acquisition and completions via the GSA marketplace, remaining the only company on GSA focused solely on the helicopter industry.
“We are proud to help clients maximize efficiencies and time via our ‘helicopters only’ approach; our efforts are fully focused on rotorcraft,” said Robin Crossland.
For agencies like FKMCD, HSI offers one vendor/one stop shopping which eases communication during the completion according to Crossland.
“Thanks to our experienced in-house team, change orders occur via a simplified, direct process, reducing project time and improving effectiveness.”